Hey team - it has been quite the day.
We’re so disappointed to tell you that our Instagram account is frozen until Monday - we can’t post, can’t DM, can’t comment, can’t do anything.
A post that we shared early this morning about the football game was reported for copyright infringement. We stand by the post that we shared and believe that it does not infringe New Zealand copyright law (and have confirmed this understanding with legal counsel), and are appealing the decision.
In the meantime, we’re standing by our commitment to make it easier for you to cheer on our New Zealand women athletes at the Olympics. We’re posting schedules here on our website (www.WOMENZSPORTS.com), and will continue to share daily updates via email.
We’d be massively thankful if you shared our email list with another fan of women’s sports in New Zealand.
Dani & Mel (the team behind WOMENZSPORTS)